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Thursday, May 20, 2010

School is out for the summer!!!

Woo hoo! Well, actually Joshua is done for the year. Seth is finishing up his senior year and continuing until he is finished. That will be a few more weeks. So basically I am down to one homeschooling yet. Wow! Time sure does fly, huh? I have 5 more years of homeschooling left. That seems like forever, but I know it will zip by quickly. This is Seth's last week with the book part of driver's ed. He will find out today or tomorrow his schedule for driving. 

JM  is going to prom this weekend with Shelbie. He has his tux hanging in my closet. His car still isn't working and we are all beyond frustrated with it. He will take our car and we will have to rent a car. Actually he will rent one for us. If we didn't have to go anywhere, we wouldn't worry about it. Both JB and I are teaching Sunday school this week so we have to go. I will post a prom picture when I get one. 

JB is taking his vacation Memorial Day week. He will be off from the Saturday before until the Sunday after. Nine whole days off! We don't have any plans or money to do anything but it will be nice to have him home. After the last few weeks, he is ready for a vacation. The last two weeks he worked 115.75 hours! That is almost 3 weeks crammed into two. I felt so bad for him, but will love the paycheck. Praise the Lord for providing our needs. He knew we would need the money and provided for JB a way to make it.

God is good! 


Hollie Hays said...

Are you guys ever gonna move back to Ohio??

I am glad to hear that school is over for you, yay!! Summer should be fun.

And I think it is awesome that JM is going to prom, I get so tired if hearing, "we don't believe in prom!" Barf.

Shelly said...

I don't see us moving back to Ohio. At least not anytime soon. I think the winters here are so much easier. Who knows what the Lord has in store for us though, right?

Hollie Hays said...
