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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Hey! Remember me?

Oh my! It has been almost 3 months since I have blogged! Sorry about that! Part of the problem was my computer. It was slowly dying and I couldn't get on long enough to do much. My wonderful, sexy husband fixed it for me. He is my hero!!! He gave up his computer so I could have one. Isn't he sweet? If you knew hubby, you would be shocked because he is the computer nut. Of course, he works on a computer all day long so by the time he gets home I think he is sick of computers. He wants something else to stare at besides a 15 or so inch monitor.

Things are going well. JM moved home at the beginning of March. We helped him move and clean. He got all of his deposit back and they were impressed at how well it looked. Yeah! We had to tow his car here and he and dad have been working on it. I will be glad when it is fixed! Having 3 people with jobs and only one car is a little rough. Luckily JM and hubby work at the same company and can carpool there but JM gets off work before hubby. That means he comes home and then 3 hours later I go get hubby right in the middle of when I should be cooking dinner.

Seth got a job at a movie theater. He made employee of the month on his first month there. He got a $25 bonus, a pin to wear on his uniform, and his name on a plaque. We get to go to the movies free!!! I love it! As his immediate family we can go anytime he is working. We just have to let them know an hour in advance. He can also go anytime and take 3 people free. He went to a few movies with his friends. He really enjoys his job and we all love the perks.
School is almost finished for the year! YES!! I am ready for a break but have already started getting things for next year. I will only have Joshua next year. Seth decided to finish up his schooling and will be working through the summer to get it done. He only has Physics and British literature left. Two down, one to go!! Wooo Hooo!!!! lol

We turned our air on already this year. It gets hot in the afternoon, especially when you live in an upstairs apartment. I try to keep it around 80 ish to help with the bill though. It is high enough without the air running! 
We had a huge blessing this past Sunday. Hubby is teaching a Sunday School for a man that went on vacation. He taught this past Sunday and then will teach tomorrow. Then the next two weeks after that, he will be teaching for someone else's SS class. I was supposed to teach for the younger children, but the teacher ended up having her surgery postponed so I didn't have to teach. I was very well prepared and excited to do it but it didn't happen. When we got there I saw the teacher and we talked about when I could fill in and such, then the wife of the teacher my dh is filling in for in a few weeks asked if I could help with her jr. church class when she is gone. So we are starting to get involved more. I just really felt part of the group. That was a blessing but there is more...

While I was talking to these ladies, my hubby went to his room  and on the podium was an envelope that said "Bergman Family". He opened it and was SHOCKED! He came up to me after I had finished talking and said, "There is an envelope on the podium and it has bills in it I haven't seen before." I went to the podium and looked in and there were $100 bills in the envelope. Wow!! I grabbed the envelope and took it to a private room and counted it. There were 7 $100 bills!!! I just cried. We have been struggling these last few months and this will get it about even so we aren't behind. I just couldn't believe it. There was no name on the envelope as to who it was from. I asked the preacher if he knew about it and all he knew was it was on his desk with our name on it. I told him if he did know to please thank them, but I don't know if he does. He may know though. We were able to pay off two bills with it and we are okay right now. Praise God!!!

Seth got his permit this week! I am so scared of him driving. He has a lazy eye and I worry about him seeing everything. He has had it as long as he can remember so he is used to it. His other eye is 20/20 and fine so I just have to leave it in the Lord's hands.

I won't wait so long to blog next time!

Happy Mother's Day!!!!

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