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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Missing Girl

A friend of ours ran away from home. Please pray for her safe return.



Allie said...

Praying she's found safe!

Christine said...


Christine said...

TBH... i can kinda relate to her. not that i ever consider actually running away... but lately... it's been getting harder to live here. well, maybe not harder... it's just.. it's all added up and built upon itself and it's just... ughhh. i'm so sick and tired of dealing with it. and wth am i venting about it here? lol.

Shelly said...

Christine, I know teen life is hard. I remember it so well even at my age (lol). Just hang in there sweetie. You will get through it. I know that isn't the best advice, but it will be okay. I am praying for you!