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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Time is flying by...

I cannot believe today is Oct. 20. Good grief where does the time go? It is just so hard to believe life is flying by. 

I will be 40 in Aug. With time flying by so quickly that will be next week ;-). That and a few other things got me motivated to get healthy. I started working out at the gym at our complex. Seth goes with me Monday - Friday. I got John to go on Saturday and Sunday. I wish I could get him to go more, but I will take what I can get. I am watching what I eat as well. I am down 2 lbs. Woo Hoo lol! You gotta start somewhere, right? I feel better about myself plus it helps fill the time. Gives me something to do for part of the day. 

I also colored my hair. It is like a reddish color. I was going for a lighter color but not bad I guess. John and I did it. We had no idea what we were doing. I guess for our first attempt it turned out okay.

School is going good. Joshua is really learning this year and seems interested in a lot of what is being taught. I am glad I got Bob Jones for him for science and history. I haven't tried to catch up on the math book. I will in time. It isn't like we are in a hurry or anything. Seth is doing great and picking up on Geometry. I am so clueless with those theorems. I am so glad John can help him. We would be in trouble otherwise. lol

John Michael switched jobs. He seems much happier with the job switch so that is good. I just wish he would decide about college and get to it. I want him to get an education and have a better life than what we have had. I hate living paycheck to paycheck. We used to have breathing room but not anymore. I want him to be able to do that. He is a smart kid and has a lot of potential so I am sure he will succeed. Just wish he would get to it. lol 

Not much else happening in our little world. I will still take a boring life over one with a lot of anxiety and problems. I lived that before... no thanks!


Allie said...

40 - just a baby! Yes it is flying by though. Good for you on getting fit - now IS the time, don't wait til you're 50, it's MUCH harder then! And I do talk from experience here.
Glad everything is going well, sweetie.

NLT said...

Where are the pics of you new hair?! lol I want to see! ;p Getting healthy is a great idea, I started trying to do that to, to much soda and fast food LOL def. not good... ;D it can't be healthy if it is 99 cents! haha