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Monday, December 8, 2008

Bah humbug!

I say that more about the snow than Christmas. Saturday night hubby was making a delivery, the last one for the night before he was going home, and he got stuck in the snow. That was around midnight. Thankfully we have AAA and he was able to be towed but that tow didn't happen until around 3:30 am. So my husband did not get home until 4:00 in the morning. I felt so bad for him. Thankfully I drove myself to work so I didn't have to wait for him. I did try to stay up waiting but dozed off around 3:00 ish. I did hear him come in and once I knew he was home I actually went to sleep. I hate snow. I don't know why I live in Ohio because one thing you can count on is snow. There is always at least one bad snow storm but usually more. This wasn't even a bad snow storm. We haven't had that yet! UGH!

We decided to put up the tree this weekend. It is always such a chore at our house. We don't have a lot of room and we have to rearrange to find the spot. That gets my dh grabbing his tape measure out and every idea we come up with he measures it and NOPE! Won't work. GRRR! By the time we actuall find a spot I want to shove that tape measure down his throat! It looks like it will work. My living room is ugly as all get out right now. I hate it. I hate it!!!!!!! If I can do it by myself, I might rearrange it better. My hubby was a touch off on his measuring this time I think. The tree said it was 50 inches in girth, but I don't think it is that much. It really isn't. So I am going to do some of my own measuring and see if I can making it work better. I just cannot deal with it like this. I am not going to make my life miserable over a dumb Christmas tree. We used to put up all the lites and then the Hallmark ornaments. It was a huge chore that took the entire day. We would have to put the lights on then find the missing bulbs to make sure out light up ornaments went to that spot. Of course that didn't help when trying to make sure the lights worked before putting them on the tree. Then you had to take the ornaments and divide them up as to whose ornaments they were. Take them out of their boxes and hang them up. Of course they are Hallmark so they can be heavy so some would really hang low. It was always so pretty when it was done but it was just a pain. The year before last we went to Wal-Mart the day after Christmas and got a new tree. This is a pre-lit tree. We don't have to mess with the lights anymore. We also made decorating a little easier and did not bring out the Hallmark ornaments. We are keeping it simple with a blue and silver garland and silver bows. It is pretty, basic, and less stressful. The most stressful part was finding a place to put it and trying to figure dinner out at the same time. I say every year we aren't putting up a tree but we do.

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