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Monday, July 28, 2008

The Tale of the Toyota continued and other stuff.

JB and Seth are off to camp. Actually JB is there at night only. He isn't during the day as he has to work. I can go see him at work, but trying to save gas as I don't have much left. I want it to last the week if I can, but with the paper route it won't happen. JM is off to work and Joshua is still sleeping. Lazy bum! ;-)

I called about the car again today. First I called Bobby and he told me he just got of the hospital for heart problems and such. (Sorry if this sounds bad, but I don't believe him) and that I needed to call Dale, the owner. I did say sorry for bothering him. I also told him that he needed to find a new job because this guy is going down and he will go down with him. So I immediately call Dale on the car lot's phone. Dude didn't even say hello, he just said Shelly. He knew it was me. Gee! He has my number memorized! I said YES! Just then his other phone rang. Give you one guess who it was! You are so smart!! It was Bobby calling to warn Dale I was calling and I was not happy! He then proceeds to tell Bobby to call the towing company. Now if Bobby had just gotten out of the hospital, why would he be telling him to call the towing company and such? Why would Bobby even worry about me? See why I don't believe him. Dale then tells me that the tow truck will be there in 1 hour. (by the way... he has 10 minutes...) I then ask about the title. He has the title he says... He will bring it to me this afternoon or tomorrow morning. Yeah! Right! So, Bobby calls me back to get my address, then he calls and said the towing company was called and they will be here. He didn't know when though. (him not knowing when I can believe) Right now I am waiting for the tow truck and we shall see what happens.

There was a great deal on ebay today and I had to pass it up. I hate that! I don't know what our checking account looks like so I didn't want to order them and not have the money. It was a set of books. Everything I needed for the class and it was about $50 cheaper than buying it new. To me, $50 is a lot of money. I sent JB a text but he didn't answer. I could have bought it anyway, but didn't want to risk it.

After the tow truck comes, I need to run to the Scout shop to get more blue cards for the Boy Scouts at camp. They ran out. Oh, blue cards are the cards they use to keep track of the steps they did to earn a merit badge. After the merit badge is earned they leader signs it and the boy uses it to prove he did the work.

I will let you know what happens with the car later on. No truck yet! UGH!

'Til next time...

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