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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It is snowing!

It is only October and it is snowing! It is one of those times where you want to say "God, what are You thinking?" BUT I know He is right and just and true and He has it all under control. I may not like it but that is okay. It is what He wants and I just have to deal with it. If you haven't figured it out yet, I hate snow! I hate cold! UGH! The good part to me is that it isn't sticking. Yeah for that!

Seth was excited yesterday. He has been working with JM on Tuesdays helping out here and there. Like folding boxes, cutting vegetables, just whatever is needed done. Well yesterday, they taught him how to answer the phones and take orders. He did a great job too. The owner gave him a shirt to wear so he can be out with the people. He thinks it is cool.

I am tired today. I usually am on Wednesday for some reason. I got up and went for my walk with my neighbor, even in the cold. BRRR!

'Til next time...


Amy Fichtner said...

Yay, Snow!!!! I love it!! Also I love your new bloggy make-over!!

NLT said...

Second the loving of you blog makeover, but not the loving of the snow!!! Miss Amy, are you crazy?!? ;) lol Def. not a lover of snow! Except Christmas Day of course, then you have to have it!

Shelly said...

Thanks, Amy. I am glad you like it.

Nikki, I agree on the snow. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and then back to 80 degree weather. :0)

Carri said...

i luhv snow! I didn't know you text messaged me..i should be ashamed of myself...my husband has the phone 96% of the time..so don't get mad...if i don't respond, just resend...