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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Ho hum

Next week will be better, right? It has been a long 2 weeks. This one will end on Sunday and then a new week will begin and all will be better. It can get worse, but I am thinking positive and saying it will get better. One good thing did happen this week... John got a 55 cent an hour raise! Yeah!

My grandmother passed away Tuesday morning. She was 89 yr. old. Her 90 birthday would have been on the Nov. 25. Everyone told me she looked peaceful. I should have been there or went to visit again. My sister (who is a Christian) told me about her calling the dead relatives like her mom, grandparents, and her brother. They were all saved people. She said they were there and she could see them. That gave my sister hope that she was saved and went to Heaven. She was there with Grandma when it happened so if she feels that was something to hope for then I guess I have to as well. The funeral is Thursday. Pastor Bicklehaupt will be doing the service. If you would, please pray for the unsaved family members. Pray they are open to what the Pastor says and trust in the Lord. Grandma didn't know anyone really as she lived in Iowa for most of her life except the last 2 years. We actually went down to get her two years ago over Thanksgiving.

We got more snow than I wanted. Of course any snow is more snow than I wanted. ;-P I still ask myself or my husband "WHY do we live in Ohio?" LOL

Thanks for your prayers!


NLT said...

I'm so sorry about your Grandma! Your family is in my thoughts and prayers! Hope the funeral goes well!

Jonathan said...

OH~I'm sorry about your grandmother.
Yah,next week will be better!!!

Carri said...

Sorry about your gma...Its always worse at the holidays. I lost my grandpa 5 days before Chirstmas than 8 yrs later my uncle the same day. it's not fun.

Amy Fichtner said...

I'm glad to hear that your Grandma is probably rejoicing in heaven right now!!