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Saturday, September 13, 2008

School, life, and stuff

Friday was our first day of co-op. I think Seth is going to have a good year at co-op and learn a lot. He is doing English, Spanish, Biology, and Volleyball. He is also taking an SAT/ACT prep class. He has to do that as well as all of our stuff at home. Since he is doing English at co-op, I am not making him do it at home. It really works out well. He still has Algebra II, literature, history, spelling, and all that other stuff. He will be busy this year. It is good for him though and I think he will do great!

Joshua is taking a health class, classics on tape, volleyball, a science class, Spanish, and a lego class. I don't know how he likes his classes because I haven't been able to really talk to him about them. The only thing he did say was that he didn't care for the science class because he has to bring in 10 different bugs next week and they have to be alive. He is not a bug lover! He hates bugs!!! I don't blame him!

Seth is sick. I am hoping it isn't anything but his side hurts where his appendix is. I am praying it is nothing. He is in bed at the moment, but I told him if it got worse to get me. He also feels sick to his stomach and feels like he is going to vomit. I don't want to rush to the hospital but I don't want him in pain. He won't take anything for it, which might be a good thing because it would mask the pain or hurt the cause so to speak. He was supposed to go to Cedar Point, but with the rain it was canceled. It is probably a good thing. He would not have made it.

It was nice not having to do the paper route this morning. We have been loving it. It will be nice to get a good night's sleep on a Saturday night and not be tired in church. I wasn't tired last week in church because we only had the little route and I was able to sleep, but I can really sleep tonight. I really haven't been sleeping well just yet. It will take time for my body to adjust. I was up at 5:30 this morning. Boo!!!

I played around with my setting and such today. I think it looks pretty neat. I like it! I wanted a different background but it didn't seem to fit like this one does. I wanted it to look good. Thanks Nicole for your help. I couldn't figure it out. I added some blinkies too. Can you tell I love my hubby?? LOL

'Til next time...


NLT said...

You're welcome! Glad you found one you liked! you're right it does fit well! (and yes, we can tell you love your husband!!!! lol) Congrats on getting more sleep!!! :P Tell Seth I give him props on all those classes!!! But I'm sure it will be worth it!!! As for Joshua's...what is a lego class?!? lol Is that with actual legos? like building stuff? lol Anyway, glad things are going well for everyone!

Shelly said...

Yes, it is an actual Lego class. They are using Lego Mindstorms, which is more of a robotic type thing. They can learn a lot using Legos believe it or not!

NLT said...

I believe it! maybe he'll be an architech when he grows up!