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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Niagara Falls

The boys took a little trip this weekend to Niagara Falls. JM, Seth, and Joshua drove there and back in one day. It took them about 4 hours and they stayed for about and hour. To me, that was silly, but they thought it was great! They had a good time. I was nervous for them all to go but enjoyed the alone time with my hubby! It was good for them to get out and "see the world" and good for me to loosen those apron strings a little bit. It was hard, but I had peace. I know the Lord would take care of them.


Amy Fichtner said...

Wow!!! I bet they had fun. Don't you need passports now to get into Canada?

Shelly said...

They didn't go to the Canadian side.
They stayed on this side in NY.