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Monday, August 11, 2008

Productive weekend

The sale went okay. My mom and niece did well. JM made more than I did but at least we did get rid of some things. I was able to get away for a few days. That was nice too though I missed my hubby and my soft bed. Mom's spare bed is a little hard. I slept okay though.

JM is going to be a manager at the pizza place he works at. He started his first management class this weekend. He is pretty excited about it. His boss told my hubby that JM has what it takes to be a businessman. He is really impressed with JM.

We have decided to quit the paper route. We are really not making any money on it with the gas and the taxes. We are tired physically and mentally. It is a good decision. We have to give 30 days notice though, so it will be probably the end of September before we did. Also, there goes the Carrier of the Year award. Oh well. I just feel bad for my customers. I am hoping they will get a good carrier. A lot of them are older.

We had a family meeting yesterday afternoon. It was very productive. I am glad we had it. The boys got a better understanding of what JB and I have been dealing with and we got their feelings on some things that are going to happen around here. We have some changes coming up and it will be difficult for all of us, but the Lord will see us through.

Today I am going to see my friend Sara and we are going to talk about school stuff and other things. Her kids are coming to my house to watch a movie with my kids. We are hoping to actually have an adult conversation without interruptions. She has younger children. Those that have small kids know how hard it is to have a conversation with small ones around. Gee, even having older ones can be a problem at times. :-)

I need to get a grocery list ready and go shopping today too. I am hoping to do that anyway. I haven't seen if JB took my van today or not. I have to run to the library too. I have things on hold that need picked up. Not sure how much cleaning will get done today, but it is basically just laundry. The boys and I cleaned up Saturday. It is amazing how much can get done when you set your mind too it. Is it spotless? NO! It never will be either. I gave up on spotless years ago when the boys came along. It wasn't bad with one, but as the other two came along, my priorities became clear. They are more important than a spotless house.

Thanks for listening!

'Til next time...

1 comment:

Amy Fichtner said...

I am so glad for Jm, I am sure he will make a great manager. Tell him I said "hello"