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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Quitting the paper routes!!

We have already made up our mind to quit the routes. I am so thrilled. I have to wait until the district manager comes to work tomorrow morning to tell him. We were going to have our last day be Sept. 30. Well, not anymore. This morning when I went in I found out that the Akron Beacon Journal and the Plain Dealer are merging. So on September 15 they plan on the ABJ carriers to deliver the Plain Dealer as well. Umm, NO! I have enough papers and have a hard enough time getting them done now. I am not going to do it. My last day now will be Sept. 14! It is a Sunday and the last day before I have to start delivering the Plain Dealer. I am so thrilled and cannot wait!! I cannot wait to sleep a normal night and have a normal life again. Mostly I will be glad to not fall asleep in church from being so tired. You may wonder how anyone can fall asleep in church, but trust me when you get up at 2:30 in the morning, work for about 4 1/2 to 5 hours then go to church, you are tired. Sitting in one spot for any length of time, you can easily fall asleep. I don't care where it is.

I didn't get my shopping done yesterday but I did get some laundry done. I am hoping to go to the library and the grocery store today, then continue with laundry. There isn't a ton of laundry or anything but it adds up fast with 5 people.

Have a good day!

'Til next time...


Amy Fichtner said...

Congrat on quitting your job! I am happy for you, and it's time to get some long overdue sleep!!

NO TURNING BACK-the life of a very blonde Baptist said...

ditto -but.........:*(
now there wil be no more warm rainy summer night's to throw things on people's porches, and accidentally be TOO LOUD
anyways, my mom says hi
Pudu Girl

Shelly said...

Pudu there is still time to help. Just have to wait for the rain to come! ha ha! Tell your mom "hi" back.

NO TURNING BACK-the life of a very blonde Baptist said...

I can't -by the time i can, you sill be dine, I still have a cast on my other foot-did you hear that I broke it?